We’ve now added a major new piece to our application and it is working, so we should commit our work and push it to the remote GitHub repository.
Open a terminal window (or reuse one you already have open) and navigate to your jumpstart-webdev directory.
Check git status by typing the following into the terminal.
git status
Do you see that changes have been made?
git add templates/talk.html app.py
Your changes are now staged locally to be committed locally.
git commit -m "adding talk template"
git status
Do you see a message about how “Your branch is ahead of ‘origin/master’ by 1 commit”? That means your work is committed locally to version control but the changes have not yet been sent to the remote repository on GitHub.
git push
You can confirm through the github.com interface that the code is now there.
Let us know when you’ve pushed your work to GitHub.